At SAETC we will assist you with your Trade Test Preparation. You have the option of studying either full time or part time and we provide either on-site or remote training.

Skills Programmes focus on practical, simulation and/or work experience. The objective is for certified learners to be more likely to secure employment or be more employable. These Skills Programmes can be provided at entry, intermediate, or advanced levels.

Artisan Recognition of Prior Leaning (ARPL) is “a program aimed at qualifying Semi-Skill Welders as Artisans on the basis of their prior learning and experience in the welding trade.
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The criteria for entering the ARPL process is as follows:
- The candidate must be 19 years of age or older
- The candidate must have completed a minimum of 3 x years (36 months) verifiable work exposure within the trade applied for in the ARPL application.
NB: The following documents is requited for application:- Originally certified copy of your ID document
- Proof of address
- Comprehensive CV (must indicate employment history and type of work exposure)
- Proof of Work Exposure and Service in the form of a Service Letter or an Affidavit
- Supporting Evidence
Service Letters from employer/previous employers.The letter/s must contain the following:
- Be on an original company letterhead or be an originally certified copy of the original
- State your full names and surname plus valid ID number
- State the start and end dates of service
- State the specific trade for which you require ARPL
List the scope of work exposure within the company (applicable to the trade for which you wish to be evaluated on). The list must be specific and comprehensive.- State the name and contact number of the responsible person within the company
- Bear the signature of the company official
An Affidavit is permissible only if you are/were self-employed and/or if the previous company no longer exists.The affidavit must contain the following:
If the company no longer exists:
- State the name of the company and the physical address where the company was operational
- State your full names and surname plus valid ID number
- State the start and end dates of service with the company
- State the specific trade for which you require ARPL
- List the scope of work exposure within the company (applicable to the trade)
- State the names and contact numbers of persons who can be contacted as references
- Bear your signature
If you are/were self-employed:
a. State the name in which the company is/was registered, the registration number of the company plus the physical address where the company is / was operational
b. State your full names and surname plus valid ID number
c. State the start and end dates of service
d. State the specific trade for which you require ARPL
e. List the scope of work exposure within the company (applicable to the trade)
f. State the names and contact numbers of persons who can be contacted as references
g. Bear your signatureSupporting Evidence (if any) in the form of previous technical or Competency Based Modular Training (CBMT) training relevant to the trade, previous evaluations or National Technical Certificates/Diplomas relating to the trade applied for in the ARPL application.

3. Trade Test
The Manpower Training Act (No 56 of 1981) makes provision for two categories of candidates to undergo a trade test. Or a SOR received after successful completed an evaluation.
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Until the QCTO determines the entrance requirements contemplated in regulation 2(2)(b) the minimum level of education for access to a trade test will be the successful achievement by a learner before, during or after an artisan learning programme of:
- N2 Certificate including the four relevant subjects of maths, engineering science and a fourth subject as required by the trade; or
- Technical trade theory programs quality assured by a SETA deemed to be equivalent to N
QF level 3; or - Relevant Engineering NCV Certificate with seven subjects at NQF level 3; or
- Technical Grade 11 with Maths, Science, Language and related trade theory subject; or
- Relevant (directly related to the trade theory subjects) N6 certificate or National Technical Diploma (T, S or N stream.)
In addition to the above mentioned minimum level of educational qualification the applicant must also have:
- successfully completed all off the job practical training unit standards (in the case of learnerships) or modules (in the case of an apprenticeship) of an artisan learning program at an accredited training provider as verifiable by training records.
- satisfied the requirements of the structured workplace, on the job, learning for a minimum period of 12 months verifiable through a workplace learning record (e.g logbook).
The minimum level of knowledge for recognition of prior learning referred to in regulation 2(3) is a 50% pass in a written knowledge assessment that is an integral part of a recognition of prior learning toolkit approved by NAMB.
Until such time as the occupational curricula and /or RPL toolkits for a specific trade are developed, candidates who have not gone through a formal artisan learning program but possess relevant years of work experience in the related trade may be granted access to a trade test if they have completed:
- N2 Certificate including the relevant trade theory subjects and a minimum of 3 years relevant work experience; or
- Technical trade theory programs quality assured by a SETA deemend to be at NQF level 3 and a minimum of 3 years relevant work experience; or
- Relevant Engineering NCV at NQF level 3 and a minimum of 3 years relevant work experience; or
- Relevant engineering NC(V) 4 plus completion of all relevant work experience modules and a minimum of 18-months relevant work experience; or
- Technical Grade 12 with Maths, Science and related trade theory subject and a minimum of 3 years relevant work experience; or
- Grade 9 and a minimum of 4 years relevant work experience; or
- Relevant (directly related to the trade theory subjects) N6 certificate or National Technical Diploma (T,S or N stream.) with 18 months relevant work experience.